Clan Blue Feather is the research and social group of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). We originally formed to encourage and facilitate research on homosexuality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and teach other members of the Society about LGBTQIA+ issues in the Current Middle Ages.

Over time we have grown and expanded our focus to cover all aspects of sexual or gender associated minority expression in research and education of their place in period as well as advocacy for their concerns and those of our straight allies in the SCA.

We also exist as a social organization to facilitate interaction among the members of the Society, especially those who are members of a sexual or gender linked minority (i.e., lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, asexual, aromantic, non-binary or *fluid, etc.); and our allies. Members of the Clan attend many SCA events around the world.

The Clan has had a dedicated encampment at Pennsic for over 25 years. If Clan Blue Feather is new to you, we suggest reading the FAQ in the "About" section. Feel free to browse, and contact us with any questions.

© Clan Blue Feather